3d Health & Fitness in Weymouth:
Dancify Kids Juniors
School Years 2-5
Thursdays at 5:25pm
Term 1:
Term 2:
Pricing options:
£5 per session
£4 per session if you bulk book all sessions within a single half term.
Dancify Kids Intermediate
School Years 6-9
Thursdays at 6:10pm
Term 1:
Term 2:
Pricing options:
£5 per session
£4 per session if you bulk book all sessions within a single half term.
Netball Camp
School Years 5-8
Thursday 2nd January
9:00am – 3:00pm
In association with South West Dorset Netball League.
£35 – With a Healthy Hot Meal
If you are booking sessions using HAF Passcode:
- Please register as parent & child at https://3dleisure.childcare-online-booking.co.uk/
- E-mail the HAF passcode, child & parent names plus the number and dates of sessions you are looking to book, to cmwv@3dhealthandfitness.co.uk
- Once HAF code is verified, 3d staff will complete your booking and send confirmation.
All HAF Bookings will receive an Activity Bag which will contain:
- A seasonal recipe and the ingredients to make a meal for 4
- A drawstring PE bag
- Craft activities, including fabric pens and colouring sheets
- Other fun sporty gifts
The aim is to give the family activities to do and make together and provide them with a delicious meal to eat together.
NB The ingredients for the meal are non-perishable, so do not need to be stored in the fridge.
The bags are available free to children eligible for HAF funding
Boxing Camp
School Years 5-10
Friday 3rd January
9:00am – 3:00pm
In association with Grey Ranks Boxing Club Weymouth.
£35 – With a Healthy Hot Meal
If you are booking sessions using HAF Passcode:
- Please register as parent & child at https://3dleisure.childcare-online-booking.co.uk/
- E-mail the HAF passcode, child & parent names plus the number and dates of sessions you are looking to book, to cmwv@3dhealthandfitness.co.uk
- Once HAF code is verified, 3d staff will complete your booking and send confirmation.
All HAF Bookings will receive an Activity Bag which will contain:
- A seasonal recipe and the ingredients to make a meal for 4
- A drawstring PE bag
- Craft activities, including fabric pens and colouring sheets
- Other fun sporty gifts
The aim is to give the family activities to do and make together and provide them with a delicious meal to eat together.
NB The ingredients for the meal are non-perishable, so do not need to be stored in the fridge.
The bags are available free to children eligible for HAF funding
Has your child been to one of our Sports School Holiday Activity Camps?
If so we would love to get your feedback. Complete our short survey below.
Kids’ Parties
Our Sports Hall & Studio (Party Room) are available to hire!
£65 for 1.5 Hours | £99 with Sports/Party Leader
You bring the food and cake, we provide the facilities, Bluetooth music system & disco lights.
Chose who entertains the kids! Multi-sports available.
We also have links with inflatable providers and other entertainment sources to upscale at your request. (Please discuss this with a manager)
Use of Premises Agreement
You can view our Use of Premises Agreement Form via the button below:
Camp Policies
You can read our Camp Policies via the button below:
Camp Terms & Conditions
You can read our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy for our Activity Camp below
Winter in Dorset
Activities and included meals are FREE for any child in receipt of benefit related free school meals. You will need to provide your Winter in Dorset passcode when booking.
To get your passcode, sign up now at dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/children-families/holiday-activities-and-food-programme
Winter in Dorset is a programme that helps bring enriching activities and nutritious food to children eligible for free school meals during the school holidays!